Kamna is a sanskrit word which means desire in english. Desire can be of anything. Desire can be materialistic, can be of change, can be of pleasures. This word though a strong one has a lot of resonance in all the people's lives. All & sundry in this world have one or the other desire. Many a times people fulfill their desires many a times they don't. One such desire I harboured in my heart from a long time was of making a difference in lives of others. That desire of mine somehow seemed a lot fulfilling & enriching than other routine things in life. But I used to curb it, maybe because of my perception about me being not capable enough for it. But as famously said 'Life does not come with a Map' some events happened i.e. I started a course named General Management Skills Course out of compulsion & with a lot of apprehensions, there I met new people & one of them bought this initiative to my notice. I then added the coveted CA prefix to my name ...