Be Patient! Patience is one of the rarest virtues to be found in human species these days. I just ask people as to what is wrong in being patient? Well the only answer I get is it takes too long, the wait is till eternity, who will wait that long etc. etc. So where did our patience go? We still have to wait, but why can’t we do it patiently anymore? What brings me here to write about this virtue today is a fact that I got to know very recently- which is that 94% of the entire Universe is made up of dark matter and scientists say that this dark matter, such as black holes and other such things, they don’t know what it is and why is it there but what is a fact is that the Universe, the world- us would not be able to survive and thrive if not for this 94% dark matter. What we need to realise that there are many things in our life which seem like this dark matter and those things can be unsettling, scary and emotionally traumatic, at least I speak for myself when that i...